Bernie Sanders Being A Millionaire is Irrelevant
I’m a libertarian, I believe in free market economics and capitalism. I have strong disagreements with Senator Bernie Sanders. Sanders favors higher taxes, government controlled healthcare, and education. Anybody that talks to me has heard me criticize all of those ideas. Despite my criticisms, I like Bernie Sanders. I think he seems genuine, has a record of going up against the two party duopoly and unlike most senators actually seems to represent the interests of many of his constituents. His approval ratings(which are higher than any other sitting senator) back this up.
Over the past week, Sanders has come under fire for not releasing his tax returns(another subject I think most voters don’t really care about). In a press release from earlier today(Tuesday April 19th) Sanders revealed that he is a millionaire and will release 10 years worth of tax returns on the 15th of April. Many pundits have called Sanders a hypocrite for criticizing millionaires and billionaires while being one. But frankly, that argument is moronic. Sanders hasn’t really called for millionaires to give away all of their money, or anything like that. He has simply advocated for them paying higher taxes(something a good portion of Americans favor), should his tax returns reveal that he uses every trick in the book to hoard his wealth, then yes that would make him a hypocrite but I don’t think that’s going to be the case. The way I see it, all this labeling of Bernie as a hypocrite is just the establishment continuing to do everything in its power to make sure Bernie Sanders does not receive the Democratic nomination for president in 2020.